Monday, July 6, 2009

Can't Wait Until AFTER tommrrow...............

.......Cause this whole Michael Jackson thing should be over or at least die down a bit.

It's everywhere...the news, magazines, weather and business channels, even churches!!!!

I have NOTHING against him as a person..but when churches start playing his music and preaching about him DURING the time they are supposed to be praising GOD; then I think as a christian...we have crossed the line.

I think about how much focus and attention do I give God or my fellow brothers & sisters. Do I show them as much love as I give to Mr. Jackson, am I making him an idol and putting him before GOD??????????????!!

After all, didn't Jesus tell Peter, when his father died, to let the dead bury their dead.....the Lord needed Peter to FOCUS on him and not the loss of his father, because he had to prepare Peter for a higher purpose and there wasn't much time to do it in.

Now don't get me wrong, I too used to be a HUGE fan, I mean HUGE....but as a grew in Christ, he has taught me that HE should be my #1 priority, then my family, then my fellow saints...

I cannot forget that my God is a jealous God and does not like his people putting others or things before him.

Just my two cents.......


TonyR said...

Amen, amen, amen.
Preach sister, preach!

Jenny said...

That is wrong for churches to be playing his music. He is no hero!

Marti said...

I agree w/you completely! It is sad he died, he was a talented man, but I just finished two days of mourning and funeral for a very good friend, 51...her life was so much more important.