1 Month = Free Stuff!!!!!!!
Lately, I have been getting "back in the game" regarding freebies and saving money. I originally took a long break to focus on my family and new baby. Now, I feel, it is time for me to get back to my roots and start collecting some HUGE saving discounts/free stuff!!!! I'll profile the current month (Dec. 15th-Jan. 15th) since that's when I started up again. Here is a list of things that were FREE, yes Free!! When my camera charges, I'll come and edit with a "real" picture; so you all can see the truth behind this..... Note: This does NOT include Free samples or Grocery/Coupon savings.........
$25.50 in the form of a check that will be mailed out in their next rotation which is Feb. 15th.
I received a $10.00 Home Depot GC (Gift
Card) just for signing up with Ebates. It is a site that gives you money back on purchases when you buy through them; kinda like MyPoints; which I will get to later.

I am a member of Disney Movie Rewards. If you buy a Disney DVD, go see a Disney Movie, or even just find a code via the internet, you can have the chance to earn some great items. Since I have been a member, I have gotten a BLU-RAY National Treasure DVD and now a Handy Manny DVD for Free. Just save up your points until you earn what you want.
SWAG BUCKS, SWAG BUCKS, SWAG BUCKS!!!! If you have not signed up with them you should. Its FREE stuff just by doing something you do everyday anyway: searching the web. I have earned numerous GCs through them with the current being an Amazon GC.
My husband does not like to dine out, especially at "fast food" places but if he does go and grab a bite out to eat somewhere, it is either Chick Fil'A or Panera Bread. Through MyPoints, which is just like Ebates except you earn points instead of cash back, I have received a $10 GC form them about 2 weeks ago.
Another MyPoints GC on its way to me as we speak. $10.00 is the value. Again FREE Money.....
Since we have a TON of carpet in our house, keeping it clean is VERY important to us. We knew we needed to buy a Carpet cleaner but was just waiting on the right time to buy it....ON SALE...LOL. Target finally had one around Christmas on sale and giving a $20 GC in the process!!! So we bought it and I managed to find a rebate form in the local paper and also would give me $20 back in the form of a check from Bissell; that check arrive last week and is in my purse!!
Our Credit Union (this picture isn't our CU, just a general CU from online) has a rewards club for its members. Each time you make a purchase you earn points. We earned enough to get a $25 Best Buy GC; of coarse going to my DH, since that's his favorite store!!!!
Best Buy has a rewards club as well. Every time we make a purchase we earn points and this time we earn 1000 points which gave us a $20 Best Buy Gift Certificate; also going to my DH; he'll have a ball in that store...LOL And last buy certainly not least...... 
ING has been a GOD send. If you are looking to save money and earn a little interest on it...then ING is your place. We already had a savings account with them but this past Black Friday they had a promotion where if you opened a checking account and make 7 purchases within 45 days, you'll get $103 in FREE cash. Well, yesterday was the 45 days and we are $103 richer!!!
If you like what you saw, don't forget to visit again!!! Would love to "see" you once more....
Those are great freebies!
www.funnix.com is offering their $249 reading program for free this month too. This is the person who wrote the well known book "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons" I have it downloading now. This should be an amazing resource for anyone trying to teach their children to read or working on phonics that has computer access.
Lynn - I just signed up for the funnix.com deal. We're trying to teach my kiddo to read so it came at the perfect time! Thanks.
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