Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm Back and Feeling Refreshed...............

.................Thanks to many prayers, kind words, and intervention by GOD.

This past week...well actually, these past few weeks, have been very difficult for me spiritually. There were many times when I felt like the was Devil closing in on me.
I started to feel like I couldn't make an escape until GOD came and intervened on my behalf.
My home even has a different feel to it & I'm more peaceful and happier.

Now, If I can ONLY get my 2, almost 3, year old daughter to stay in her bed, when it's time to go nite nite.


Kela said...

Glad to hear that you have been/are being restored!
God bless

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you are back and feeling better. Good luck with your daughter!

Katrina said...

Glad things are looking up for you. Hope all goes well with keeping your daughter in bed.