Monday, October 12, 2009

Plans On Hold......

For those of you who read my blog regularly, you know I have been talking about some personal things that I have been thinking about and working out over the past few weeks. What was taking up most of my thoughts/time was the possibility of going back to school; Law School to be exact.

Before I got too deep with prepping and planning, I wanted and needed to consult GOD first to 1. see if it was in his will and 2. if he would make a way for me to go to school. I did get prayer and the Lord did let me know it was alright for me to go back to school.

After that, I still wasn't happy. Something inside of me refused to let me be joyous and continue on in the planning process. I then sat down and begin to ask myself some hard but honest questions and in turn answer those questions honestly despite how I may feel. At the end of that session, I cam to a conclusion; Law School was NOT for me at this present time. I had to think about everything the Lord said to me and not just the "it's alright" part. Now, I could very well go at some later point down the road, but not now. And you know what was amazing, just as soon as I made that decision, I immediately felt better. It was like going from 0 to 10 in seconds on the happy scale. My spirit became more relaxed also. Its so amazing how GOD guides and protects me from potential disasters.

My husband and I also had a loooooong talk about this very subject. I told him that I didn't feel right; my spirit didn't feel right and I couldn't possibly go further with Law School without knowing exactly why I had these feelings. He told me that he actually prayed and asked GOD to let him know if what he was feeling was bad; because my husband had those same not so good feelings about me going to Law School but he didn't want to tell me as to not hurt my feelings. As soon as I told him that I felt the Lord didnt want me to go now, he said it was confirmation!!!!! He gave me a big hug and told me he was proud of me!

I know that GOD will provide. Besides, there are many, many people with advance degrees who cannot find work or who have low paying jobs they didnt think they would have to have. My life is a testimony in itself. My husband does NOT have a college degree, yet he is the HEAD..yes HEAD of his department, which requires a Master's degree. Got 2 promotions and 2 raises, including a bonus last year that was half his salary...yes, his bonus; which helped us buy our first home! We went to Europe for a month, have money in the bank, and are able to give to others. I'm NOT bragging, but the Lord brought all of this back to my remembrance to let me know it is HE..NOT I, BUT HE who opens doors and blesses. It is HE who provides for us and protects us and NOT a law degree OR job. I had to GET OUT OF THE WAY!!

I am so grateful to GOD for being so awesome. I feel Good and now can move on to others things. I love being a SAHM, although at first I didn't...BUT I Love it now!!!!

Have a GREAT Day!


Simple Christian Homemaker said...

I'm glad to hear that you waited on the Lord. Isn't God so good!

Jenny said...

That is great that you were able to take the time and really think out the whole plan. I'm glad it has you feeling better also!

Anonymous said...

Glad you let Him tell you what to do and that all is well now. I've been through something similar recently, with the life altering decisions, and He has guided me through my decisions as well. Even though I wasn't 100% sold on the outcome, I think it's what's best for now and I'm glad to hear that you've found what's best for you right now.
Good luck with everything!

Katrina said...

Oh, I am so glad to hear that God has helped you decide how to deal with going back to school. It's great to hear someone have so much faith! Good luck.