Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Giveaway.....$25 & $10 VISA Gift Card-UPDATE!!!

Pre-note: There were some Blogger issues when I posted this before. All should be fixed now. Please let me know if you guys have any trouble again! Thanks!

Please re-type the answer to the question to enter giveaway and respond to bonus entries if you to like via the comments section. E-mail entries will not be accepted. Thanks guys.

I want to attract more people to my site and one of the BIGGEST ways to do that is by having a giveaway.

And I wanted to giveaway something that many people could use. There are many stores that offer a variety of items, like FOOD, for your family at a good price; especially in this economy. Grocery stores, Walmart/Target, Aldi's, etc.

I budget and spend $200.00 a MONTH for my family of 3; which means $100.00 every two weeks. Look through my archives and you'll be able to see pics, videos, and lists of what items I bought. Investing some time and energy into saving money in this area has saved my family thousands of dollars over the course of a year...i.e. before my daughter was born, my husband and I used to spend $175 a week, I believe! That's a A LOT for 2 people!

Saving money in any area of your income can equal to larger saving account balances and a peace of mind. Using coupons and pairing them with the sales can help you bring your food budgets down to an amount you can be proud of.

To help you in this ailing economy, I am giving away a $25.00 VISA gift card AND $10.00 VISA Gift Card to get to started on the right foot with saving on your food budgets (or anything for that matter).

So, my giveaway question to you is: What is your grocery/food budget for the month and are you happy with what you spend? Why/Why Not?

Here are the Rules:
To enter this giveaway you must leave a comment w/ e-mail address (no anonymous) answering the question above.

Bonus entries:
-Become a follower and leave another comment saying so
-Blog about this giveaway and leave another comment with the link so I can see.

Giveaway is open for entries until 11:59pm EST, Friday, Sept 18th, 2009.
The 2 winners will be chosen by and I will post the winners Sunday, Sept 20th, 2009. First name selected will win $25 GC & 2nd name selected will win $10 GC.

Both winners will have 24 hours to e-mail me their address so I can mail out their GC. If no response from winners..2 alternate winners will be chosen.

Until Next Time,
Peace Be Upon You.



Unknown said...

houston we have lift off.

Glad to see your comments are working

Unknown said...

ooh forgot my e-mail.

Unknown said...

We budget $150 a month for our family of 3. We usually spend less though. We do make up for that every 3rd month when we shop for meat at the commissary

Jenny said...

I am so glad your comments are working! I've been trying to find a way to contact you for awhile now about it, but you didn't have an email address listed.

Great giveaway!

Jenny said...

I am a follower.

:)De said...

Just found you over at Love School... Morning.

I spend about $300 per month for my family of 5 and shop 1 big shop monthly. This includes our paper goods and household cleaners. I am blessed to have 30 - 40 can goods, cereal, boxes of crackers, lunch/after school snacks and most of my bread donated to me monthly.

I have a 4 week, breakfast, lunch and after-school snack menu that we just rotate through, with the produce changing seasonally. We may eat at a fast food place 2-3 times a month with 2-3 friday night pizza deliveries. When Kroger has their 10 for $10, I stock up on pasta, sauces, tuna and creamed soups. I buy my meat at GFC, but we don't eat meat everyday.


The Proverbs Wife said...

Hi Sheena,

I am a follower on FB and Blogger. I spend $290 a month on food & personal hygeine items each month for my family of 6. (2 adults, 1 teen, 3 school aged children)

Fingers crossed.

The Proverbs Wife said...

BTW, my email address is

Steven said...

We really aren't too sure what our budget for food is a month. Guess we should keep track.

Hope I win-

Anonymous said...

Our grocery budget for the month is $80-$90 for 4. However, that doesn't include beef or pork (we get that 1x a year from butcher friend), nor does it include veggies in summer b/c we have a garden & fruit trees. ~3-4 a year we do a big $300-$400 costco trip too.

I think I do really good on $80 a month- we eat very healthy and I make lots of stuff from scratch, which really helps keeps costs down. I also purchase from the bulk bins.

onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

One Cryptic Mama said...


onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

heather said...

We spend at about 400 a month on groceries. Trying to do better, Just started the coupon crazies :)

Anonymous said...

we don't have a food budget, but only spend what we have to and are putting the extra on prepaying our mortgage. :-)

rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

Anonymous said...

i follow in google reader! :-)

rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

Erin said...

We budget about $300 per month for our family of 3, but I would like to get that down to $225-250 a month...we are living on one income and so need to save anywhere we can!
Thanks for your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My budget for toiletries, food for two adults (one pregnant) and two cats is $200/month here in Minneapolis. I often stay under the budget; but not be a ton :)

I am fairly happy with this figure--we eat well and we get dessert sometimes

Thanks! Penny (

johnsongm said...

i'm ashamed to say our food budget was $700+ a month for our family of 5. After recently being laid off, my goal is to cut that in half.

i also became a follower =)


Pat said...

We budget $300 for 2 people which I think is way too much. We'll have to work at getting that lower.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

We budget $400 a month for our family of 9

Rebecca H. said...

We spend about $220.00 a month for a family of four. I recently have started paying much more attention to coupons and sales and I'm hoping to bring it down.

Connie said...

My budget is $250.00 a month. I can generally meet that unless we are having company. Then I tend to go over. So, I'm usually pretty happy with that amount.

Elizabeth said...

My budget is $250.00 a month for 4, 2 adults, a 3-year-old, 1 year-old. Usually have one large stop at the beginning of the month, then stop for milk and such each Monday.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Email is

Elizabeth said...

Just became a follower!

Anonymous said...

Our family of 4 spends about $300 a month on groceries. I shop about 2 times a month.
Thanks for offering the giveaway! I look forward to looking thru your blog!

Anonymous said...

I've become a follower.

Shawn said...

My budget is $250 and I am not quite happy with it yet. I would like to get it to $150 - I'm working on it.

Veronica said...

What a great giveaway! My grocery budget for the month is around $200 $50 a week) and so far, I have been pretty good at sticking to it so I am happy :)

Tiffany said...

We spend approx $300-$350 a month for a family of 6. I try to spend $50-60 a week including non food items. The rest of the budget goes to my hubby who has a special diet (items that never have coupons :( ). I always use coupons and usually stack them to make the most of my $$. I think we do pretty good with that budget. Our budget changes depending on my stock pile. Thanks!

Veronica said...

I just signed up to be a follower :)

Stephanie said...

We budget for about $40 a week between two people :) I'm happy with that, think I could do better & will try to once it's more than just 2 of us. Thanks for the giveaway! scg00387 at

Anonymous said...


I just had my first baby boy and am having a hard time with a budget that we never had before (two incomes is WAY more than one)! I just started couponing and reading blogs to see what others are doing to save $$.

We have been spending at least $150 a week, which definitely needs to change with just 1 income! Diapers alone have been costing us $50/week!

Thanks for the tips on how to save :)

Janell said...

My family's budget is $75.00 per week for a family of 4.

before I started my on-line research and couponing we always went over... but

in teh past 6 weeks we have been under by $10.00 or more...

Thanks for the gift card giveaway

lmkirb said...

I plan on spending between $100 and $125 every week on groceries, paper products and toiletries. It sounds like alot but we are a family of 5...2 teens! (1 being a football player...HUGE appitite!!) and 1 in 1 boyfriend who is always around!! plus I run a daycare which I typically feed 6 throughout the course of our day. I do alot of coupon matching and scour the ads to get the most out of my budget. So I think I do good for the amount of people I feed during the week.
Thanks for the chance!!

Lori Sifuentes said...

My budget is $250 a month however I spend about $400. Trying to get better.

surveys4lori at rocketmail dot com

Lori Sifuentes said...

I am a follower.

surveys4lori at rocketmail dot com

Jay said...

Our family spends $100 a week including diapers. Thanks for the opportunity!

Caleb, Angie, Deacon and Zeus said...

I spend about $400 a month for a family of 3 (2 adults one baby). This includes groceries, diapers, wipes and other personal care products. I really want to spend less but it's hard when I grew up with a mom and grandma that would always have the fridge stocked.

Amanda said...

I spend about $80 dollars a month. I think that is pretty good, but I know I could do better!

Kathryn said...

We spend $400/month for a family of 3 (2 adults, 1 preschooler), but we eat a fair amount of organic food and have frequent guests at meals. I'm not terribly happy with that number. I know it could be worse, but I've just started aggressively couponing, stockpiling, etc. to see if I can reduce it without sacrificing our organics and hospitality.
email address:

Lisa said...

Our budget is $200 a month for a family of 3, but I'm trying to get it down to $150.

Anonymous said...

We spend $300.00 - $400.00 per month for a family of 4 (2yrs old & 10yrs old. Plus 2 cats. This includes all food, toliteries and diapers. Right now I am happy with the amount because just 1 year ago I was spending $800 - $1000 per month. UGH! I am always looking for ways to cut the budget further.
Thanks for the giveaway! Jean

Jennie said...

We spend about $400 per month for a family of four and in 4 weeks will be a family of five. I have been trying to learn how to save on this and have been slowly doing better with coupons and mommy blog advise. Thanks so much. Jennie

Luneau said...

I spend approximately $200 a month. We are a family of 4 (2 adults, a toddler, and an infant). Our grocery budget was recently reduced since I've decided to be a SAHM. Reading the other comments encourages me to reduce it even more.

Sarah in MO said...

Our "budget" depends on Dad's work. He's self employed, so sometimes we spend less and sometimes more, but it works for us. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net

KellyH said...

I need to be better about actually budgeting. I buy ahead, garden, scab things like apples this time of year from friends who are letting their trees go to waste, use coupons, shop sales, etc. So my budget fluctuates. However, I do try to spend only about $20-$25 a week on weekly things, milk, necessities (tp, etc), fresh things. We are a family of 7 (6 at home right now). With that, I probably spend $100-$150 on top of that each month. Short of not eating, I'm not sure what more I can do, though it wouldn't hurt me any to cut back- wayy back.

Does that answer the question? :)


Tasha said...

I'd say we spend around $200 a month on a family of 5. I really try to combine the sales each week with my coupons. Stretch my dollar as much as possible.

Laura said...

Our grocery/food budget is around $200 and we usually come pretty close to that. Overall, I'm pretty happy with what we spend because we're very careful with coupons and sale shopping.


Heather R. said...

We try to spend $150/month for a family of 3. Sometimes we do better than others. I think it's a little lofty for us right now since I am pregnant and have morning sickness - I just want to eat what I want and don't feel like clipping coupons!

Holly said...

such a great giveaway! with 5 little ones, ages 6 and under, and another baby due in march, you can imagine we stretch every dollar! we try and budget $450 a month on groceries and supplies.

Holly said...

i follow!

BargainFun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BargainFun said...

I'm a follower
bargainfun1 at yahoo

BargainFun said...

our budget is 60.00 a week
Great giveaway !
bargainfun1 at yahoo

Carie said...

Our budget is about 120 every two weeks for a family of 5. I buy whatever I can at Aldi's but I am only now trying to use coupons more regularly. They have always been my nemesis! lol

Sarah said...

Our budget is $200/month for the three of us. I am pretty happy with it but I would like a little more to buy more fresh fruits and veggies.

Sarah said...

Oops, I forgot to leave my email address:

sarahk1237 @ (minus spaces).


Christine said...

I spend between $125-150 a week on groceries. I would like to see that decrease but since alot of our budget is produce, or items without coupons it makes it difficult.

Tracey said...

We budget $400 a month for a family of four which includes groceries, toiletries, paper goods - basically anything you would buy at the grocery store or drug store. That amount works well for us. Most months I end up with a few dollars left over; if I have a really good month, I might have $20 or more extra which goes into our Disney World fund. (We're hoping to take a family trip there next year.)

Brandyn said...

New Follower! :D

We don't actually know what our food budget is yet. I am a SAHM of 'almost' two and my husband is a full~time college student. We've racked up major debt getting him through school & now are hoping that these wonderful "MommySaver" blogs will help us on our way to getting out from under it before our new baby (due this Dec) turns a year old.

Dani Powell said...

We are a family of 6. I budget about 530 a month. I am not happy with my current grocery budget and am trying hard to squeeze the most out of every penny.

Dani Powell said...

I am also a brand new follower! I look forward to reading more of your posts. =)

chericehodges said...

We spend about $300 a month for three of us and that's with coupons! Thanks for the chance.

Cindy said...

I am trying to spend $50 per week, including diapers for two, but it's been tough. I use cloth occasionally - should be using them more and disposables less.

Thanks for the giveaway.

cjnm at

Tina said...

Before I started clipping coupons we were spending $120.00 a week. Now I have cut that down to $50.00 a week! It took me a few months to get the hang of looking for deals and using coupons but it is so worth the time and effort!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

I'm embarrassed to say we don't really have a budget. We've tried to before but I've been very bad at sticking to it. So...maybe this should motivate me to start!

Another Beautiful Day said...

We spend between 800 - 1000. I don't know how in the world you ladies do it. I'm hoping to learn.
Thanks for the give a way.

Cristal in Florida

Jen B said...

My grocery budget is $50 per week. I do lots of triple coupon shopping! It really helps out.
Thanks for entering me.

Veneliza said...

I don't really have a budget, but I try no more than $50/week.

shortcrazypanda at yahoo dot com

JC said...

Our grocery budget is $40/week, so it's $160 /month. I'm happy with the budget most of the time but would like to increase on produce part if possible.

JC said... Blogged.

Ellie W. said...

We are out & about quite often so our budget is only $30/week. Sometimes I don't spend that much even. I like to stock up on basic pantry items (flour, sugar, etc) so things are much cheaper (I can make muffins for less than 1/2 the cost of a mix!). I buy lots of fresh produce at Aldi's for very cheap & then freeze what I can.

Ellie W
fcorin13 at yahoo dot com

cgordon said...

We're a family of 4 (2 toddlers) & we buy in bulk from Costco on cleaning supplies, paper products, toiletries, diapers. We planted a garden this year, so we have had lots of tomatoes, green peppers & onions. I have recently started using more coupons (yay!) & am watching our weekly grocery budget go down drastically! Up until recently, we didn't necessarily have a budget. Just bought what we needed, when we needed it, but tried to catch sales & never went overboard & bought things we didn't need or junk food items. Now, however, we attempt to stay under $100/week and I'm hoping to go under this now that I have a coupon system figured out.

Thanks for offering your giveaway! Would love to win a giftcard to see how far I can make it stretch & then of course report the details to you too. :)


Amy said...

We budget $300 a month for 2 people. That includes groceries, cleaning, personal and paper items. Thanks for the chance.

collector_of_masks at

Kathy Rambousek said...

I strive to stay within my $250/month food budget for our family of 4 (two teenagers included). Most months are tough - but I'm usually pretty close. Thanks for the giveaway
LKARambo at comcast dot net

Another Beautiful Day said...

Hey Sheena
Also blogged about the contest at
Thanks again.
Have a great day!!!
Cristal in Florida.

Anonymous said...

We are a family of 6 and have a 200/month food budget.


Cocoa Lover said...

I would guess it is about 350 dollars. I would love for it to be less, but we are working on building up some food storage, so it is all good.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I posted in the right place before, so here goes again. About $20-$30/week as I'm single and still getting used to the budget. It seems to work for now though.
You're little girl is adorable!
Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Blogged about the giveaway here
Thanks again!

Coupon Teacher said...

I do my budget like this. $100 per week on everything but gas (groceries, eating out, toiletries, everything!)

Heidi Lassila said...

We spend about $160 a month or $40 a week for our family of three. The only way we can eat anywhere near as healthy as I would like us to is by making everything I possibly can from scratch on this budget.

Frugal Friends said...

Our budget is $25 a week for groceries. It is only my son and I and we always have plenty! I am VERY happy with my budget, its almost a thrill getting as much food as we do for so little!

Love the blog!


My Favorite Deals said...

I really don't have a grocery budget at the moment. It's tough because I work on various days from 8-3 and my boyfriend works from 2pm-10:30pm. We are rarely home to eat together. I usually spend about $30 a week on groceries, but we also eat out a lot! I realize this isn't the best budget, but I do save a lot on other things like toothpaste, shampoo, etc!

Thanks for the entry

Unknown said...

For our family of 7 our grocery budget is about 600. Right now it's higher than I would like but am working on finding ways to reduce the cost.

kimberly said...

We budget $200 a month for our family of 4. Since I stopped working we dropped from $400 a month to $200 because I am now able to shop sales. Thanks for all you do.

Anonymous said...

We budget 400 - 500 a month for a family of 6. It seems like a lot but that includes eating out 2 times a week.


Sarah said...

I spend about $180-$200 every two weeks for a family of 3, but we also have 3 extra kids to feed every other weekend when my husband's kids come over.

I'm not happy about that amount because it seems like I don't get much food for the price and I would like to spend less on food so more $$ can go in savings.

Sarah said...

I'm a follower now! Boy I'm going to get lost in all these frugal/money-saving-mommies blogs I subscribe to! LOL.

Kelly said...

I am not at all happy with my budget because I currently do not have one. I usually spend around 200 a month for 4 people for food but we also eat out way too much! Thanks for the giveaway.

Shanna said...

Honey, with all my bills, the groceries don't even qualify for a place in the budget. I'm guessing I spend about $150 a month for me & the hubster...and the dogs. I use coupons whenever I can and shop at Save a Lot [mostly].

Julie VW said...

Right now I'm working VERY HARD to keep the grocery budget under $175 a month for two of us.

We are newly married and getting used to having to feed a husband who eats very differently from me. (When I was single, the grocery budget was $50-75 each month). We are both making adjustments (I'm learning to buy Mountain Dew and cook meat. He is learning to drink about half as much as he did before).

Great blog!

Anonymous said...

$80/month for one person. I don't coupon much, but I cook from whole foods. Honestly. I eat fried rice with onions and peas a lot - it's delicious and it costs less than $1 to make a big pan of it. So yeah, I'm happy.

Bombtastic Belle said...

Me and my husband spend about $300 a month on grocceries - and no, I'm not happy.*lol* After us getting out of the Army last year and moving to FL and having one income, I finally just said that I needed to figure out a way to help out on money by trying this whol coupon thing out. Granted I just started maybe a month ago, so I'm really still learning, but every little bit helps.

jr1012 said...

We spend about $200 a month for the three of us. We're fine with that amount; we used to live in a bigger city and food was much more expensive there.

Anonymous said...

We spend $400 a month for 3, not too happy about that

Daphne said...

We spend about $280 per month for a family of 5, but dd is only 6 months old. Not including dh eating out 3 times a week for lunch and ds1 eating school lunch 2 a week. And pizza every other week. I would like to get it down by about $30.

TZel said...

We spend about $80 a week for a family of three, I guess I know I could spend less, but I do not want to sacrifice health or satisfaction. Thanks!

Tina said...

I spend about $50.00 a week for our family. I would like to do better when it comes to buying meat. It takes a large part of my budget.