I cannot believe Christmas 2011 is upon us.
I can remember Christmas of 2010 like it was yesterday.
It seems as if time is fastly passing by and the days, months, and years are going super fast.
So.........in an effort to make that time slow down the best way I could, i am going to focus this Christmas weekend on God, family and just taking all the Christmas spirit in.
Here's what's on the schedule:
-Go to the Marriott for Breakfast in DH family on Christmas Eve
-Bake some gingerbread cookies with my daughter
-Visit my parents and exchange gifts (we wont see each other Christmas Day)on Friday
-Spend Christmas Eve afternoon/evening relaxing, eating cheese-steaks (its a Philly thing) and watching 2 Christmas movies, play a game as a family and read the Nativity account.
-Christmas Day, its arising at 6am to open gifts and cook a nice breakfast; then dress and off to church.
-Exchange Pollyanna with DH family then head to DH grandmother's house for Christmas dinner and more gift exchanging.
-Monday (well, for me mostly), AFTER CHRISTMAS SALES!!!!!!!!!!!! I make my list and stock up on gift bags, bows, bows, tags, cards, decor and everything for Christmas next year.
I hope you all have a Wonderful Merry Christmas and a relaxed, stress-free weekend!
P.S. THANK YOU, THANK YOU to my Christmas card swap buddy, Lin, for the awesome card and the unexpected gift card. It was a lovely surprise! Thanks a bunch!
And Thanks to Michelle who sent me an envelope FULL of coupons! I was so excited, you might have though you sent me a Porsche, LOL. Thanks a ton!
1 comment:
Have a blessed & very Merry Christmas!! :)
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