Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This Kinda Sucks.......

both me and my husband are sick.

This has happened only once before and life was HARD those few days.

Usually its either myself or him, but not both.

And this comes at a time when my 1 year old son is teething in the back of his mouth, my daughter being her energetic self and work/house duties still need to be done.

Sometimes, I wish we had a nanny and this is one of those times.

We just need some rest.

When one of us is sick, the other person takes the kids off somewhere so the house can be nice and quiet.

But I'm hopeful.

I'm hoping we overcome this soon.

Really soon.


Out My window said...

Can you call someone from the church to come over and get the kids for say about 4 hours so you two can nap? Or come over and clean, and bring a meal? I am sorry you are sick. I remember twice in the last 30 years when both hubby and I had the flue so bad we could not take care of the kids. Oldest daughter did her best but we finally had to ask for help.

Jenny said...

Oh no! That is so hard to be sick at the same time. I hope the kids don't get sick too! I'll be praying for you both to get better quickly!