Its so wonderful to type this post without pain meds or pain in my tooth!!
It feel G-R-E-A-T!!!!!
Last Sunday I was hurting so bad I went to 2 separate ER's twice and finally at my husband urging, made a trip to my dentist Monday.
Got x-rays and it was my bottom wisdom tooth; with the one right above it going bad as well.
Got an appointment with the oral surgeon the next day and got them removed.
Recovery has been going good & I will be going back Tuesday for a post-op and to get my stitches removed.
First, can you believe Thanksgiving has come and gone?
I can't!
It feels like time is moving quicker and quicker.
I'm going to try to make sure we, my family, take time to stop and "smell the roses" this Christmas some holiday movies, baking yummy treats, going for a drive, family get together's, and just spending time with each other by turning off the out side world.
Thanksgiving was good, although with the recovery from the wisdom teeth removal, I was in no mood to host, but since we volunteered, I wanted to keep my word.
We had 23 people here at the house and plenty of good food I wish I could've devoured; but couldn't. Only soft foods or cold liquids for me.....
My husband and I were supposed to go to a very nice restaurant during this Thanksgiving break but we decided to delay that until December to give my gums a chance to heal.
Black Friday-
Despite all the hoopla, the Black Friday sales this year weren't too grand.
I got a better deal getting the kids toys at the end of October.
I did, however, get some Pots and Pans. I have always wanted a good pots/pans set and was determined to save up for one.
This year, Kohls had a GREAT set.
It's this one:
The price was $330, but on Black Friday, Kohl's had it for $149.99!
I also bought a Pyrex Glass Storage Set to get away from using plastic ones.
Here it is:
This glass set was $70 at Kohl's but on Black Friday, it was $30 with a $10 mail in rebate.
Together, the cookware set & glass ware both came to $190, I had a 15% off coupon I printed from online and it came to $162, including 6% sales tax. I also got $45 in Kohl's cash!!
I thought it was a fantastic deal and I went out around 11:45am (& it was still crowded, weird)!
You all probably know that ING is offering some great black friday promotions.
Here are a few:
- open a checking account, get $107 (after 5 transactions), must be a new member
-open a Teen checking account, get $37
-open a kids savings account, get $27
Since we are current ING members, we will open a savings account for each of our kids, which means $54 in free money, after 30 days.
Christmas Decor-
After 4 hours, the inside of our home is festive in honor of celebrating Jesus Birth. I love Christmas Decorations....
Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year!!
The music, meaning, lights, food, husband's time off, and gift giving are some of my favorite moments.
My husband even talked about making a day trip to Hershey, PA to view all the Christmas light and go on a Christmas drive through a Christmas village they have up there!
...........Christmas is also a VERY busy time of year.
We have 3 family dinners, a church Christmas play, gifts (and all that comes with that), cooking/baking food, a tradition Breakfast outing at the Marriott (My DH father started this by taking his kids to breakfast right before Christmas and it continues today), my daughter's school activities and oh, did I mention.....we are in the process of remodeling out kitchen!!
Whew!!! I'm tired from just writing about it!
I'm also trying to wein my son from breast feeling. He's 15 months and now he relies on it to go to's time to stop!
I'm also trying to get him to sleep in his own bed.
I was told by my husband, mother and grandmother don't get my son started in our bed, but nope, my hard-headed self didn't listen. I just couldn't stand him not being next to me.
We'll right now, as I type this at 6:17am, he is next to me in my bed.......with his little body taking up all the space! :-)
And he has a beautiful dark cherry crib in his own room.....yes..... it's time to get him outta here!!
We'll that's all for now. We have church today!!! I LOVE going to church!!
I have to straighten my hair and cook breakfast before everyone awakes (isn't us momma's always up first for EVERYTHING!!!!!!!)
P.S. Thank You Judy (we may be poor, but we are happy) for the lovely Christmas card, I will be sending you & my Christmas Card assigned person out this week!!!
If any of my other readers would like a Christmas card from, message me your address!! I LOVE, LOVE giving out Christmas cards!!!
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