Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Knew It, I knew It, I knew It.......

I'm sick or (have a cold as my DH would say).

Throat aches, tummy all over the place, palpitations, sneezing, etc.......

And I am hoping and praying I don't get a sinus infection this time around.

My daughter keep getting these aliments from school.....and this is only her first year!

She gave the cold to my Dh and son and now I have it!

Can't stay in the bed all day and rest because that would be in-human (lol) mom's can't have that opportunity....

Maybe next year I can prepare better for the cold and flu season......any suggestions?

Hoping to get over this before Christmas; I was sick once on Christmas and it sucked BIG TIME!


Anonymous said...

School is a breeding ground for every germ imaginable!!

stay well

Jenny said...

Oh no! I hope you recover quickly!

~Carla~ said...

Aww.. Hope you're feeling better soon! A sick mommy is no fun at all! I swear by organic Oil of Oregano in a glass of OJ!