We have 3 rooms of this plus the upstairs hallway. The previous owners lived there for 40+ years so they lived in the wallpaper era; my grandma still has it in her house as well.
It is so hard to remove and a lot of work. I don't think we'll use wallpaper; we'll just stick to painting. Besides it's such a hassle to remove.
Got any suggestions for us? We sure would appreciate it!
Score the wallpaper, with a "professional" scoring tool (from home depot, lowe's, etc), and then spray the wall with DIF gell wallpaper remover. Worked wonder for us! We had tons of wallpaper too. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks, we picked some up and hopefully the wall paper will come off very easily. We want to paint also.
Hey Sheena! Found your blog from Money Saving Mom. I removed wallpaper in 4 rooms of my home this past year. My secret was I used very hot water (almost boiling - watch the hands!) and a mixture of fabric softener (I'm cheap and the previous owners left a big bottle here). I thought it worked great.
I had one of those scoring tools. I think it was like $5 or $6 at Lowe's. Just run it across the wall and then apply your liquid to get it off. Have a good metal paint scraper. We also painted over the walls afterwards.
Good luck! I actually loved removing wallpaper and kind of sad it's all gone now :(
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