Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Listening to Our Elders.........

Hey everyone,

I'm still here.

Its has been VERY busy in my home; especially with my daughter in school now.

For this post, I wanted to focus on Listening to our elders.

I told my 72 year old grandmother-in-law of my sinus problems. She told me that she used to suffer from them and they were TERRIBLE.

She told me to get some Vitamin E & Salt-Water (which I knew of). I got the Vitamin E Tablets, put a hole in it and dropped the solution in each nostril as I was told.

Can you believe it started working!

Now I can put drops in up to 4 times a day, but this is a much better alternative than pills.

I Love Our Elders......they have so much knowledge about different situations in life.

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